Kambo Brotherhood: June 7th - June 9th 2024

Kambo Brotherhood
Kambo Brotherhood is a collective of men who are willing to plumb the depths of their shadow and face their fears with courage and compassion. It’s the culmination of a vision gifted to me after seven years of working hard to master my craft as a kambo practitioner and men’s work facilitator. The spirit of kambo came to me in ceremony with my orders - “initiate the men.” I’m answering the call. It’s an honor to be a steward for this work, to witness the rise of conscious masculinity as men rise to embody their sovereign power.
Friday, June 7th - Sunday June 9th
Richmond, Virginia. Details provided upon registration.
What is Included
Men’s work led by Micaiah Deull, this includes:
Talking circles
Shadow work
Dyad and triad partner work
Somatic healing
Teachings in the art and practice of council and conscious relating
Vedic Mantra
Fire ceremony (weather providing)
Two kambo ceremonies facilitated by Micaiah Deull, certified advanced kambo practitioner with the IAKP (International Association of Kambo Practitioners) and Kambo International.
A personal intake with Micaiah to determine point placement for your kambo sessions. Utilizing energy healing, intuitive energy reading, intention setting, and kinesiology, Micaiah will create a unique point placement plan using traditional Chinese medicine meridians, acupuncture points, auricular acupuncture points, chakras, and marma points from the Ayurvedic tradition to ensure that your kambo experiences are tailored to meet your intentions.
Guided meditation to begin each ceremony.
A “limpia” energy clearing before each ceremony.
A traditional tobacco blessing, or “sopla,” to ground and protect you before each ceremony.
Hape, sacred tobacco snuff from the Amazon will be provided as needed throughout the ceremonies.
Sananga eye drops, a jungle remedy used by Amazonian tribes to clear negative energy, will be provided after every ceremony.
Sound healing - singing bowls, and sacred ceremonial songs to guide the process.
Coaching, guidance, and assistance from Micaiah and the assigned helpers on staff during all ceremonies.
Snacks and tea will be provided after the ceremonies.
The cost is $650, please register above.